Follow The Cult: Marine serre

Dead stock and up-cycling are two undeniable terms you automatically think of when the brand Marine Serre gets brought into discussion. Marine Serre has become one of the most talked about brands of 2022. It's an undeniable mark and shows no signs slowing down. Having established their quintessential crescent moon symbol, now recognized globally. She has caught the attention of many as she raises focus on one the biggest challenges in today's global market: Sustainability. 

She embarks on the same initiative that many emerging designers are starting to take as well. Marine is passionate about making powerful yet practical change in the luxury market. “Whether I make my collection from recycled, reclaimed materials, or completely new fabrics, the designs of the finished garments will be exactly the same, so why wouldn’t I opt for sustainability”. As she is determined to make up-cycling a regular feature in her creative process as a designer, she also holds the same hope that her clothes can also join the same journey in up-cycling. “One important thing for me is to close the fashion circle. Maybe in three years, you don’t want a Marine Serre piece from five seasons ago. So what do we do with that? Maybe we could make it into something new.”

With much backing, Marine was the youngest contestant to receive the coveted LVMH prize in 2017, bringing her mash-up of futuristic meets athletic wear to life. She instantly received international recognition, which has brought much attention to her unconventional and innovative new path in clothing. As fast fashion is still a major issue on the minds of many, Marine is sure to continue on with ongoing battle. “I see so many young designers with talent and ideas that could change the industry for the better, but it’s difficult to realize them. If we want fashion to change a bit quicker, we need to support the next generation.”

Works Cited: 

Bateman Kristen. “For Marine Serre, Upcycling Isn’t Just Some Sustainability Trend.” W Magazine, 2 Mar.2020,

Salter, Steve. “Marine Serre is a Sustainable Designer on a Mission.” i,                        


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